Audit committee
The board of directors has instituted an audit committee with the purpose of creating a specific forum for work related to financial reporting, internal control, risk management and audit. The main task of the audit committee is to ensure the board’s fulfilment of the supervisory responsibility in relation to internal control, audit, any internal auditing, risk management, accounting and financial reporting, prepare matters regarding the procurement of audit and other services provided by the auditor and also prepare the board of directors’ decisions regarding the company’s financial reporting.
The audit committee should, among other things, stay informed on the audit of the annual report and the consolidated annual report, review and monitor the impartiality and independence of the auditor and in doing so, especially highlight if, and under certain circumstances approve that, the auditor also provides the company with other services than audit services. The audit committee should also assist the nomination committee in the appointment of auditors. The audit committee stays in contact with the company’s auditor with the aim to create a continuous exchange of opinion and information between the board of directors and the auditor in audit matters.
The audit committee currently consists of four members: Lone Møller Olsen (chairman of the audit committee), Ulf Bonnevier, Salla Vainio and Magnus Mandersson.
Remuneration committee
The committee’s main tasks are to prepare and make proposals to the board regarding remuneration and other terms of employment for the group management and other senior executives and to continuously monitor and evaluate remuneration structures and levels in Karnov. The function of the remuneration committee is partially advisory, partially preparatory and the work is performed in accordance with a written instruction from the board of directors.
In addition, the remuneration committee monitors and evaluates programs for variable remuneration, both on-going and those that have ended during the year, for the group management, and monitors and evaluates the application of the guidelines for remuneration to the group management that the annual general meeting shall resolve on, as well as the remuneration structures and levels in the company, prepares the board proposals regarding guidelines for remuneration to senior executives and prepares and makes proposals for individual salaries, other remuneration and other terms of employment for the CEO. The remuneration committee consists of three members appointed by the board of directors.
The remuneration committee currently consists of three members: Magnus Mandersson (chairman of the remuneration committee), Ulf Bonnevier and Salla Vainio.
Capital & resource allocation committee
The committee’s main task is to: perform review of capital allocation opportunities as well as performance of existing investments.
The capital & resource allocation committee currently consists of four members: Ted Keith (chairman of the capital & resource allocation committee), Magnus Mandersson, Salla Vainio and Loris Barisa.